Thirty percent of your revenue may be walking out the door. Improper billing and coding, and uncollected patient balances and co-pays can lead to thousands if not millions of dollars in lost revenue.
Let the experts at MMS show you how to maximize revenue, streamline processes, and leverage technology to improve your bottom line. By outsourcing your billing functions, you and your staff can focus on providing patients with quality care, and have access to resources and expertise not often affordable or easily replicated in-house.
MMS automates the billing process so you can get paid on time, the first time. We analyze every step of the revenue cycle to ensure that an effective process is in place. Our intuitive software features keep claims from slipping through the cracks, speed up collections, and generate powerful business analysis and productivity reports. We monitor claims for errors and reduce receivable turnaround times to help you maximize cash flow. Dashboard reporting at all stages of the revenue cycle gives you increased visibility, control, and proactive opportunities to increase profitability. Your practice will run more efficiently and effectively, saving you time and money while increasing reimbursements.
MMS GOLD: Billing & EMR Package: Complete full-service billing, Hosted Electronic Medical Records (EMR), IT support, scheduling, claims and statements, and Dashboard Reporting system...
MMS SILVER: Billing Package: Full-service billing, IT support, claims and statements, comprehensive revenue-cycle management. Includes all GOLD services above without EMR.
Contact us today for a free billing audit or demonstration.